Vegan & Cruelty Free Skincare - Dr Botanicals


When I first transitioned to the vegan lifestyle over 4 years ago now, I didn’t realise just how many products were either tested on animals, or contained animal products such as beeswax, gelatin, shellac, carmine or even milk and eggs (who knew???). Not to mention the amount of harsh chemicals in high-street skincare that doesn’t help out your skin or the environment! Luckily there are so many brands out there that are committed to creating natural, cruelty free and vegan skincare that is not only kind to your skin but kind to animals and the planet too. Not to mention their packaging, which is the exact minimal aesthetic that just adds that hint of luxury to your dressing table (because that’s all that millennials care about anyways right?)

Dr Botanicals are a brand I discovered a few months ago, who produce luxury natural vegan skincare that is not only vegan and cruelty free but is also free from harsh chemicals and are therefore is not harmful to the environment. As I have fairly dry to combination skin that is extremely sensitive (aka the first time I tried my mum’s ‘fancy skincare’ at the age of 10 I came out in a full body rash), natural vegan skincare is a lifesaver for me. If you want to hear me talk more about the benefits of natural skincare, you can check out the post I did for their website here.


The two products that I currently have from Dr Botanicals, are the ‘100% Natural Ultra Concentrated Hydration Mask’, and the ‘100% Natural Soft Touch Super Bright Eye Serum’ - both which I HIGHLY recommend. I have been using the eye serum almost every day since receiving it, after applying my moisturizer both in the morning and at night, and have noticed such a difference in the appearance of under-eye discolouration and bags (which are a constant part of my life as a student). Due to natural plant extracts such as Crambe Oil and Raspberry Seed Oil in this product, my under-eyes stay hydrated, but not oily, and even though I have very sensitive skin they never feel irritated - which is a problem I usually have with products targeted at my eyes especially.

You only need to put a small drop of this eye serum onto your ring finger and then massage it into your under-eye per use - and because you only have to use such a small amount, this bottle of serum will last you months! I have been using mine daily for the past few months and have barely made a dent in it - so definitely worth the price. In terms of pricing, the ‘Soft Touch Super Bright Eye Serum’ retails at £59, however you can purchase it using my code [POSITIVESOPH] for 20% off the price (you’re welcome), and you can view the product here.


The other product that I own from Dr Botanicals is the ‘Ultra Concentrated Hydration Mask’, which once again has been a saviour for my skin. From late night study sessions, irregular sleep schedules and the countless nights out partying that come with being a student - a night in with my flatmates, a glass (or two) of wine and a facemask is essential to my routine. The thing I love most about this mask is that its not super drying like some masks you can buy, and it leaves your skin literally glowing! It only needs to be left on for around 10 minutes, and I love doing one right before bed so that my skin feels nourished and hydrated before I sleep, and when I wake up I feel radiant and glowing without the need to wear makeup (which is perfect when I have a 9am uni or work start). Just like the eye serum, this product contains natural oils and plant extracts that contain anti-oxidants, fatty acids and vitamin C, D & E to ensure your skin is deeply nourished and hydrated without the need for artificial chemicals that will cause you to break out.

I tend to use this mask around once a week (more if I’ve had a particularly heavy week of partying or late night studying), and therefore the large container you receive will last you months! Just ensure that you keep it in the fridge ideally as it’s made from natural ingredients, and you’ll be set. Once again, the price for this product is £54, but as its a luxury skincare item it’s definitely worth it in my opinion (click here to view it on their website) - and you can get 20% this product or any other on the Dr Botanicals website using my code POSITIVESOPH.


If you try out any of the Dr Botanicals products, or have any other suggestions of cruelty free, vegan skincare products or brands you would think I love then please let me know through my social media links below or via my email ( as I would love to hear from you! - Sophie :)

Sophie Earl