Classic Spaghetti Bolognese


An absolute comfort classic for me is a steaming bowl of spag bol with garlic bread after a long day at school! At uni it became a staple because it’s so cheap and easy to bulk cook, ready to freeze for meals later in the week, and it’s still such a classic winter dish !! For this recipe I have used fake meat, to replicate my childhood favourite taste, however you can sub the fake meat for lentils if that’s more your thing!

The best way to serve this dish in my opinion is with tagliatelle or linguine, topped with vegan cheese and paired alongside some garlic bread, or 'cheddar bay biscuits’. Perfect as an easy student dinner, dressed up for a date night or a quick new dish to add to your meal planning routine!

(serves 4)

vegan fake mince (around 2/3rd of the bag)

2 tins chopped tomatoes

2-3tbsp tomato puree

1 oxo / stock cube

1 onion

3-4 cloves garlic

mixed herbs / oregano / basil

salt + pepper

pasta of choice


diced mushrooms

splash of (vegan) red wine

Boil the pasta in salted water according to packet

Fry the diced onion and garlic in olive oil until softened, before adding in the mince + fry for 4-5 minutes

[if adding mushrooms, fry them with the mince]

Add in the chopped tomatoes and tomato puree, and turn the heat down to medium-low

[if adding wine add here]

Season with herbs and salt / pepper

Crumble in the stock cube and let it all simmer for around 10 minutes, on low-medium heat

Drain the cooked pasta, and spoon over the sauce, add spinach on the side, and garnish with cheese and fresh basil leaves - enjoy !!

Hopefully this dish will be as much of a comfort classic for you as it is for me! If you do try it out please let me know what you think!! - Soph :)

Sophie Earl